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Man Getting Botox

BOTOX® & dysport®

Botox Cosmetic and Dysport are the perfect solutions to treat and prevent fine lines, wrinkles, and deep facial furrows. They work well on crow’s feet, horizontal forehead lines, and the frown lines between the eyebrows. Most procedures take only 10 – 15 minutes, allowing you to return to your daily activities in a flash! Both Botox and Dysport are medications injected into the muscle to reduce wrinkles caused by muscle movement.  We strategically choose dosing based on your muscle mass and strength in the area of concern.

How long do results last?

In general, results last 3-4 months. There will certainly be patients in which in lasts longer, in that 4-6 month range, or shorter, in that 2-month range. It is also common for first-timers to notice that it may not last as long initially but may last longer after the second treatment.

Is there any downtime?

Treatment requires minimal downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after your appointment! Bruising is possible, plan 2 weeks ahead of any events/vacations.


Common Treatment areas-

crow's feet, frown lines, and forehead lines

What makes Botox & Dysport different?-

Botox and Dysport are both used to treat and prevent wrinkles, fine lines, and deep facial furrows. By working beneath the surface, Botox and Dysport help reduce the underlying muscle activity that causes the skin to appear wrinkled or folded.


Interested in learning if neuromodulators are right for you?
Schedule a consultation with Genesis MedSpa to learn more about our extensive rejuvenation options.
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